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CRET seeks to provide support to dental students during pandemic

April 28, 2020
The Center for Research and Education in Technology is looking for stories from dental students about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their dental education and career plans.

The Center for Research and Technology in Education (CRET) is a dental industry organization committed to improving dental students’ educational experiences. The organization is providing dental students with support for their education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With many dental schools cancelling classes, CRET would like to hear from students about how they are dealing with the changes and stress brought about by the pandemic. By collecting stories, CRET hopes to raise awareness of the COVID-19 impact on dental students and dental education.

Students who are interested in sharing their stories with CRET may email Mia Cassell at [email protected]. Stories will be considered for publication by DentistryIQ and its partner publications.

The Center for Research and Education in Technology (CRET) is a dental industry organization with 26 dental companies as members. CRET partners with dental schools to build Innovation Centers and provide them with the latest technology and products on the market. For additional information on CRET, visit cretdental.org.
