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Email is actually not dead

Sept. 28, 2018
Before you stop sending emails from your dental practice, think about the many benefits it offers for both you and your patients. Don't believe the naysayers. Email is not dead.
It’s quiet at the office, which gives you time to wonder why that is. You’ve been emphasizing marketing, but your efforts aren’t paying off like you’d hoped. You should ask yourself, are your marketing efforts comprehensive? Do they include reviews, blogs, social media, and email? That’s right … I said email. Don’t believe the naysayers who claim that email is dead. It’s very much alive and an integral part of any complete marketing strategy.

Email is the most effective marketing tool when it comes to reaching your current patients. Here’s why:

You can customize the content

Trying to increase your number of whitening treatments? Email allows you to target those who have inquired about whitening. Do you know which patients have been on the fence about veneers? Email them. Targeted emails allow you to reach only the people you know are interested, keeping the inboxes of your other patients free from clutter.

Emails provide an opportunity to educate patients

Patients may be hesitant to inquire about treatment when they’re face-to-face with you, so email provides a low-pressure platform to inform them about the services you offer and the benefits of those services. Patient success stories are particularly effective, as humanizing treatments not only educates patients, but gently guides them toward committing to treatment.

Email helps you stay in the forefront of patients’ minds

There’s no need to bombard patients with constant emails; a simple monthly “check-in” will remind them that you’re available the other 363 days that they’re not in your chair. Email is also a way to build a relationship that will make patients feel comfortable approaching you with questions.

Email is a handy marketing tool for you, as well. How? First of all, it’s relatively inexpensive. Secondly, the efficacy of your emails can be tested, measured, and reevaluated. Email marketing allows you to know what type of subject lines are most appealing, what kind of content is most frequently opened, and exactly which emails are bringing patients through the doors.

Email may be one of the older forms of digital communication, but just because something is older doesn’t mean it’s ineffective. Email may not appeal to all of your patients, but it’s a necessity when it comes to reaching your current patients.

With over a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich took her passion for dental marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency. She and her team have helped practices throughout the nation focus their message, reach their target patients, and grow their practice through effective marketing campaigns. When she isn’t helping dental practices reach their full potential, she can be found at the beach with her three dogs or immersed in everything food-related with her large Italian family. For more information, call (800) 689-6434.
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