How do you get your message heard in a case presentation? With ‘sticky’ content
There is a lot of information out there, and a lot of people are vying to have their messages heard. How can your message be heard in a world of endless information, where patients are being fed information at a dizzying rate?
Here are three ways to have “sticky content,” information that sticks.
1. Use the power of three If you want your patients and team to retain what you’re saying, divide your thoughts into three categories or three reasons. Give each section a short label and number your categories/reasons. Then discuss each of your three main points. For example, the three aspects to a case plan – time, outcome, and process.
2. Think “less is more”
You talk too much, and so do I! The more we talk, the less “sticky” we become. A recent study was conducted at a Jam Tasting. OK – you’ve probably never been to a “jam tasting,” it’s a regional thing, so just imagine this study being conducted at wine tasting, which is sexier anyway. In this study one table had six bottles of wine, and the other table had 24 bottles. Sixty percent of the people went to the table with 24 bottles, and only 40% went to the table with six bottles. But when it came to purchasing the wine, only 3% bought from the table with 24 bottles. A whopping 30% bought from the table with only six bottles, and fewer people gravitated to that table to begin with. Fewer options = more sales. A confused listener tunes out. A confused buyer says “no.”
How cluttered is the space where you’re present your case presentations? Are you showing too many models, too many before/after photos, too many diplomas, too many options?
3. Add color to your content
If you’ve watched football lately, you’ve probably noticed there are two sports commentators per game. One describes the “play-by-play,” and the other provides “color,” which is background stats, interesting factoids, and stories about the athletes. Together thes announcers form one voice. You have to do the same thing. You get involved, and rightfully so, with your facts and figures. But if you only do that half of the puzzle, you will not be ‘sticky.’ Add stories, examples, and metaphors. Draw a simple picture of what you’re describing. This will help your message stick.
I conclude with your Speak For Yourself Challenge – use the power of three, think and practice “less is More,” and add color to your content.
ALSO BY KAREN COTELL REISMAN: Did Joan Rivers influence the dental profession? Yes, and here's how
Four leader qualities gleaned from Emmy speech
Three lessons Robin Williams taught dental pros
Karen Cortell Reisman, author of three books and President of Speak For Yourself®, works with organizations, dentists, and dental associations on how to make more money. It’s all in how you speak for yourself. Read more short articles at
© Karen Cortell Reisman, M.S.