Here are articles in RDH eVillage FOCUS written by Suzanne Newkirk, RDH ...
The Perioscopy System, Part 1: Utilization and objectives
Case study: The Perioscopy System, Part 4: Case studies by Robert Gottlieb, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH
The Symbiotic Relationship between Perioscopy and LANAP in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease: A New Paradigm in Therapy
Case study: perioscopy-only use for a nonsurgical treatment plan
Case study: use of perioscopy and LANAP for treatment of moderate periodontal disease
Case study: use of perioscopy and LANAP for treatment of advanced periodontal disease
Subgingival anomalies and pathologies viewed with the Perioscope
Subgingival anomalies and pathologies viewed with the Perioscope (Part 2)
Subgingival anomalies and pathologies viewed with the Perioscope: root fractures (Part 3)
Enamel pearl case studies